Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus

- This year is celebrated in:: 2024-06-17
This day commemorates four saints of the Christian Church. St. Antoninus lived in Alexandria in the third century. He was arrested following his open declaration of being a Christian, and since he would not offer sacrifices to idols. He was subjected to severe torments and then thrown into a fire to be burned alive. He said to his captors prior to his death, “Remember that you have a soul given to you by God; see that you present it pure before the Lord.”
Deacon Theophilus from Libya was a successor to St. Stephen the Protomartyr. He was martyred during the reign of the idolater Emperor Maximianus, for his fearless preaching of the Christian Gospel.
Two noblemen from Nicomedia, Anicetus and his nephew Potinus, attending a ceremony of the reading of Emperor Diocletian’s persecutions which awaited Christians, boldly emerge from the crowd and loudly confess their faith before the Emperor. Following three years of imprisonment and cruel torture, they remain loyal to Christ. As a result, the blessed saints are burnt alive together with other martyrs.
This feast has been and will be on the following dates
2021-06-21 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2022-07-04 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2023-06-26 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2024-06-17 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2025-07-07 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2026-06-22 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2027-06-14 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2028-07-03 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2029-06-18 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus
2030-07-08 Commemoration of Sts. Antoninus, Theophilus, Anicetus and Potinus