
Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-29
Ս. Ծննդյանը նախորդող մեկ շաբաթը պահոց շրջան է:

Դեկտեմբերի 29-ի երեկոյից մինչև հունվարի 5-ի երեկո մարդիկ պահք են պահում: Այդ ընթացքում օգտագործվում է բացառապես բուսական ծագում ունեցող սնունդ:

Պահեցողները պահքի շրջանից դուրս են գալիս հունվարի 5-ի երեկոյան, երբ եկեղեցում մատուցվում է Ս. Ծննդյան Ճրագալույցի Պատարագ և տրվում է Ս. Ծննդյան ավետիսը: Մարդիկ միմյանց ողջունում են «Քրիստոս Ծնվեց և Հայտնվեց, Օրհնյալ է Հայտնությունը Քրիստոսի»:


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2029-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2028-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2027-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2026-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2025-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2024-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2023-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2022-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2021-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

2020-12-29 Ս. Ծննդյան պահք

Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-29

Eve of the Fast of Christmas is always celebrated on December 29, that is - 7 days before the Feast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas) and is ended on January 5, the eve of the feast.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2029-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2028-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2027-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2026-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2025-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2024-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2023-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2022-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2021-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

2020-12-29 Eve of the Fast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fast of Christmas)

Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-28
St. James was the son of the fisherman Zebedee, the senior brother of the Evangelist St. John. He was one of the closest and most reliable disciples of Jesus and the witness of the important events related to Jesus.
When Samaritans refused to receive Christ James and his brother asked Jesus to send fire down on the people as prophet Elijah did. Jesus reproached them for their groundless behavior. Because of such events Jess called them “Boanerges, that is, sons of thunder” (See Mk 3:17). James is the only apostle about whose death is told in the “Acts of the Apostles”. Herod arrested James and stabbed him.The name of this apostle is closely related to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. According to the tradition the head of the St. James was brought to James, brother of Jesus, who buried it in the garden of his house. Later the Cathedral of St. James was built in that same place, and in the chapel opened in the northern wall the tomb of the apostle’s head is shown.Evangelist St. John is the author of the fourth Gospel, three letters and the Revelation. He deserved the title of the “beloved disciple” of Christ. Jesus loved and trusted him so much that at the moment of crucifixion asked him to take care of the Holy Mother of God. He passed away in 100 AD, in Ephesus, at the age of 95.

This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2020-12-29 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2021-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2022-12-29 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2023-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2024-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2025-12-29 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2026-12-29 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2027-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2028-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2029-12-29 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

2030-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostle St. James and Evangelist St. John

Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-26
St. Peter was one of the 12 apostles of Christ. He was the brother of Andrew. He was one of the beloved apostles of Jesus and the witness of Our Lord’s transfiguration and the other important events related to Jesus. Peter was a fisherman. His name given during the circumcision was Shmavon, or Simon (in Greek). About this apostle for the first time was written in the Gospel according to John, “So you are Simon the son of John? You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter) (Jn 1:42). Peter was born in the village Bethsaida and later was moved to the town Capernaum where Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. Peter is more famous from the part of the Gospel when he said that Christ was the Son of the living God. And Jesus stated that being the Savior of the world and the Son of God He would build His Church (See Mt 16:15-19).

During the night when Jesus was arrested Peter denied Jesus thrice and later deeply regretted for his deed. After the Pentecost it was Peter that explained to the people assembled what had happened and spoke about Incarnated Jesus. One of the important deeds of Peter was bringing the heathens to the church. Peter was arrested by the King Herod but escaped the prison by a miracle.

According to the tradition Peter was martyred in Rome and was crucified head-down. Two letters from Peter have been preserved.

St. Paul is the thirteenth Apostle of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He was born in the town Tarsus of Cilicia in the beginning of the first century. His parents were citizens of Rome who according to Heronimus had came from Galilee. First he studied in his native town and then he continued his education in Jerusalem, where his teacher was Gamaliel. Paul was a tent-maker by trade and this circumstance often helped him during the trips, when he earned his living by means of making tents. According to his own words Paul had been a Pharisee, had strictly obeyed the law and persecuted the Christians. However, on his way to Damascus Jesus appeared to Paul, after which Apostle Paul (whose name was initially Saul) became one of the greatest preachers of Christ’s commandments. He was baptized by the apostle Ananias. He has made several trips and preached the word of God. Fourteen letters from Paul have been preserved.

According to the tradition Paul was beheaded in 67 AD in Rome.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-26 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2029-12-27 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2028-12-26 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2027-12-27 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2026-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2025-12-27 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2024-12-26 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2023-12-26 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2022-12-27 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2021-12-27 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

2020-12-28 Commemoration of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul

Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-24
St. Stephen is one of the most beloved saints of the Universal Church, the first person martyred for the sake of Christ’s doctrine of love.

According to the hagiographical sources he was from the royal dynasty of Judas and was the son of law-abiding parents. aStill a young man he was the servant of the chief priest Kayipaya. According to the same sources when the Lord was taken to home, Stephen took off the cloth from his head and spread it under the Lord’s feet thus expressing his true and sincere love. This naturally annoyed the chief priest and he turned Stephen out. Stephen witnessed the death and burial of the Lord but rejoiced with the apostles for the Glorious Resurrection of Christ. According to St. Gregory of Tatev he went to the apostles Peter and John and was baptized. At the moment of baptism an aureole (crown) appeared on the water. After that miraculous event he was called “Stephen” meaning (crowned). From the Acts of the Apostles it is known that after the Pentecost apostles served the tables and gave subsidies to the poor. From day to day increased the number of those who believed in Christ. As the apostles were unable to meet the needs of everybody, asked their disciples to choose 7 persons of good reputation for serving the tables. According to St. Luke the Evangelist one of them was St. Stephen, “… a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5). By the power received from Christ apostles ordained him deacon. Thanks to his God-granted virtues and power Stephen worked wonders. Many people tried to argue with him, but no one was as wise as Stephen. So, some ill-willing persons persuaded some people to say that Stephen scolded God and the Prophet Moses. Inciting the people, the priests and the lawyers they took Stephen to the court. In his speech in his defense Stephen proved that Jesus was the promised Messiah, and reproached the Jews for their cruelty. He was stoned out of the city and his cloths were put before a man whose name was Saul and who later became the Apostle Peter. In the beginning he persecuted Christians but later he knew the true God – Jesus Christ, and became the most zealous preacher of the Gospel. St. Stephen was the first person martyred for the sake of Christ and that’s why he is called Protomartyr.

According to the tradition Gamaliel, the teacher of the Apostle Peter, and Nicodemus, his brother, who were secrete disciples of Jesus, buried the saint’s body in their farm. Soon a priest named Lukianus discovered the relics. And Pontiff Hovhan of Jerusalem put them in St. Sion. In the V century Princess Juliane found the saint’s tabernacle in Jerusalem and took it to Constantinople, and later – to Venice and buried it in the Church of St. George (St. Gevorg) island.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-24 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2029-12-25 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2028-12-25 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2027-12-25 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2026-12-26 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2025-12-25 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2024-12-24 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2023-12-25 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2022-12-26 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2021-12-25 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

2020-12-26 Commemoration of St. Stephen the Protomartyr and the first martyr

Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-23
Prophet St. David was the great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth. The Holy Bible depicts him as a psalmist, gifted, wise, handsome man and orator. He was a shepherd. During the battle against Philistines he killed the giant Goliath. After the death of Saul he became the king of Israel and founded the city Jerusalem. He is the author of the book of Psalms and oane of the greatest and influential figures of the Old Testament. Special importance is accorded to the fact that he is the offspring of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. James, brother of Jesus, is the combining link between the Evangelical saints and the saints mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. He is one of the important figures of the Initial Church and the first Bishop of Jerusalem. Jewish historian Hovsepius characterizes him as “righteous”.

According to hagiographical sources some people forced him to get on the tower and slander against Jesus. However, getting on the tower, he started to speak about Jesus the Messiah who sat on the right side of God and would come to judge the world fairly. Many people were converted, but others threw the saint down from the tower. According to the tradition St. James is buried in the Cathedral of St. James of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. One letter from James has been preserved.

in order to symbolize the merging the Old and New Testaments in Christianity.
The Armenian Apostolic Church commemorates the memory of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus, during the main feasts preceding the Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-23 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2029-12-24 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2028-12-23 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2027-12-23 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2026-12-24 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2025-12-23 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2024-12-23 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2023-12-23 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2022-12-24 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2021-12-23 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

2020-12-24 Commemoration of the Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus

Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-21

According to the tradition St. Abgar was the first Christian king of the 1st century, the son of the Parthian king Arshakunie Arsham. He was also called “senior man” as he was the wisest of all and of genius. Historian Moses of Khoronk, Assyrian historian Labubnia of Yedessia, Greek historians Procopis and Yeusebius have told about the king Abgar. He built the city of Yedessia in the site where the Armenian army protected the ford of the river Euphrates from the Roman captain Casius. Later the king moved the royal palace and all idols from Nisibis to that city.

It is during the period of reign of the king Abgar that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born. And Abgar, who was incurable, becoming aware of the wonders worked by Christ, believed in Christ and by means of his delegates sent a letter-petition to Jerusalem, to the Savior, asking Him to come and heal him. In the response letter it was said, that Christ still had important things to do in Jerusalem, but He should send one of His disciples to the king to heal him. After the Ascension of the Savior Apostle St. Thaddeus came to Yedessia, healed the king Abgar, the sick, preached the Gospel and appointed Adde, the silk-weaver, to be his successor. Jesus had sent his portrait to Abgar and it was kept for a long time in Yedessia, and later in the churches of various cities and towns.

After that the king Abgar sent letters to the king Tiberius and the king Nerseh of Assyria exhorting them to admit Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior.
The king Abgar passed away probably in the first half of the 1st century.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-21 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2029-12-04 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2028-12-05 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2027-12-21 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2026-12-19 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2025-12-20 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2024-12-21 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2023-12-05 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2022-12-06 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2021-12-21 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

2020-12-19 Commemoration of St. Abgar, First Martyr of the Church and our first king believing in Christ

Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-19
St. Indos was an eunuch in the royal palace of the king Dioclethianus in the city of Nicomidia, and St. Domna was the heathen priestess of the royal idols. Being acquainted with the Holy Bible, they were converted to Christianity and because of that were put into the prison. After being subjected to torments for a long time they were martyred in 305 AD.

During the period of reign of the king Dioclethianus on the Feast of Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ Christians of Nikomidia assembled in the church to pray. The king put an idol in the church and ordered everyone to worship the idol. Priest St. Glericus refused to obey the king’s order and because of disobeying be was subjected to torments and was martyred. The king got angry and ordered to burn the church. The twenty thousand Christians attending the ceremony were martyred in the Church in 303 AD.

This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-19 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2029-12-20 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2028-12-21 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2027-11-29 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2026-12-17 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2025-12-18 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2024-12-19 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2023-12-21 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2022-12-22 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2021-11-29 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

2020-12-17 Commemoration of the Virgins Sts. Indos, Domna, Prist Glerikus and twenty thousand martyrs martyred in the Church of Nicomidia

Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-17

Bishop St. Theopompus and martyr St. Theovna have been martyred in the city of Nicomidia in 303, during the period of reign of the king Dioclethianus. Being Christian Bishop Theopompus opposed the king and didn’t worship the idols, for which he was thrown into the stove. However, the saint was saved by a miracle, and the king got angrier and put the saint into the prison. It was then that the king called the magus Theovna and asked him to win the saint by means of witchery. However, meeting the saint Theovna believed in Jesus Christ, for which he was buried in the deep pit still being alive, and Theopompus was beheaded.

Soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides were also martyred in the city of Nicomedia in 303, during the period of reign of the king Dioclethianus. They were the soldiers who kept watch over St. Theopompus. Witnessing his patience and unshakeable faith in Christ they were converted to true faith and become Christians. Becoming aware of this fact, the king deprived them of all honors and wealth and put them into the prison. After severe torments the soldiers were martyred.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-17 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2029-12-18 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2028-12-19 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2027-12-20 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2026-12-15 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2025-12-16 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2024-12-17 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2023-12-19 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2022-12-20 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2021-12-20 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

2020-12-15 Commemoration of Bishop St. Theopompus, martyr St. Theovna and soldiers Sts. Basos, Eusebius, Eutikus and Basilides

Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-16

According to the tradition Pontiff St. Ignatius was the happy child whom Jesus took in his arms, and appealing to the apostles said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 18:3). He was the disciple of the Apostles Peter and John, as well as the second Bishop of Antioch and was very popular in the East. During the period of reign of the king Trayanos he was imprisoned and accompanied by the soldiers was sent to Rome, where he was martyred in 113-117 voluntarily bringing himself sacrifice to the lions. He has written many letters addressed to various Christian communities, only seven of which have been preserved.

Pontiff St. Adde was the Bishop of Yedessia ordained by the Apostle St. Thaddeus. He was martyred upon the order of the heathen king in the second quarter of the I century.

Bishop St. Maruta was the Bishop of the city Nprkert of the Fourth Hayk. His father was Assyrian, and mother – Armenian. He was very popular in Persia and Byzantine. He has participated in the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople. As the envoy of the Theodos he was twice sent to the Persian King Hazkert to negotiate on stopping the Christians’ persecutions. He passed away in 422.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates


2030-12-16 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2029-12-17 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2028-12-18 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2027-12-20 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2026-12-14 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2025-12-15 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2024-12-16 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2023-12-18 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2022-12-19 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2021-12-20 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

2020-12-14 Commemoration of the Pontiffs Sts. Ignatius, Adde and Bishop Maruta

Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-14

Pontiff St. James of Nisibis is one of the authoritative and beloved saints of the Universal Church. He has deserved the epithet “Thaumaturge” (Wonderworker) for the numerous miracles relating to his name. According to hagiographical sources St. James was from a Parthian dynasty and the nephew of St. Gregory the Illuminator. When the family members of Anak the Parthian were killed nurses secretly fled to Caesaria taking with them baby Suren and James where they were educated in Christian spirit. Soon baby James and his sister Sakden were taken to Persia and for a while lived in the royal palace. However, James refused from safe and well-to-do life and became a hermit. He left for Nisibis where he met hermit St. Maruge, who was famous for leading a life befitting saints. Learning from the hermit Maruge that many people despite their conversion to true faith were skeptic and suspicious about the existence of Noah’s Ark James decided to climb the mountain in order to see the Ark and bring a piece of it. Despite his inflexible will-power he couldn’t reach the peak and after long sufferings he had a short nap. The angel visited him in his dream and put a piece of the Ark under his head. According to the tradition in the place where St. James had lain down appeared a cold stream having healing and miraculous qualities. In the future a church bearing the saint’s name was built nearby the stream. The piece of the Ark is up to date kept in the museum of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. He is one of the clergymen participating in the Nicene Council in 325. After the death of the Bishop of Nisibis God appeared to Maruge and told him that St. James was the deserving candidate for the Bishop of  Nisibis. St. James passed away in 350, after leading the flock for a long time.

Bishop St. Mielitus was born in Melitene, Armenia Minor. In 358 he was the Bishop of Sebastia. In 360 he ascended the throne of Antioch. He struggled against the Arians. In 381 he presided the Second Ecumenical Council convened in Constantinople but unfortunately passed away before the end of the Council.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2020-12-12 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2021-12-18 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2022-12-17 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2023-12-16 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2024-12-14 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2025-12-13 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2026-12-12 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2027-12-18 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2028-12-16 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2029-12-15 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

2030-12-14 Commemoration of the Pontiff St. James of Nisibis, hermit St. Maruge and Bishop St. Melitus

Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-12

Despite of their Greek names Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardairus are Armenians from the city Sebastia, where they have been subjected to persecutions and martyred during the period of reign of the kings Dioclethianus and Maximianus. Christians were subjected to especially severe torments in the remote districts of the country - in Armenia Minor and Cappadocia.

The military commander of the city Satakh, Armenia Minor, burnt Eustratius on the fire because he had called Lisia, who persecuted Christians, heathen and idolater. Priest Ogsentius, Eugenius - the friend of Eustratius, Mardarius - one of his servants, and a soldier named Ovrestes, who had a cross on his neck, were also subjected to severe torments and were martyred.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-12 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2029-12-13 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2028-12-14 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2027-12-16 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2026-12-10 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2025-12-11 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2024-12-12 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2023-12-14 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2022-12-15 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2021-12-16 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

2020-12-10 Commemoration of Sts. Eustratius, Ogsentius, Eugenius, Ovrestes and Mardarius

Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-10

St. Kornelius was born in Caesaria. He was the Captain of an Italian regiment and he had believed in Christ and had become a true Christian. Apostle Peter had baptized him and the members of his family. He was called “Second Abraham” for being fair and honest-minded. He preached and worked wonders in Jerusalem. When he was already advanced in years he was subjected to torments and martyred. The sick have visited the saint’s tomb and have been healed.

St. Shmavon was the nephew of Joseph, father of Jesus. After the death of James, brother of Jesus, he became the Bishop of Jerusalem. He was subjected to torments by king Trayanos and was crucified in Jerusalem at the age 120.

The word “Polycarpus” means “fruitful” in Greek. St. Polycarpus was born in 70 AD and was one of the disciples of Evangelist St. John, who ordained him the Bishop of Smyrna in 96 AD. He has struggled against heretics. The emperor of Byzantine imprisoned him and forced him to renounce Christ, but Polycarpus refused to obey the emperor saying, “I have served Christ and I can’t renounce the Savior.” In 166 the executioners put his hands and feet into chains and burnt. One letter from Polycarpus addressed to Phrygians has been preserved which is the first document concerning the martyred Christians.

During the lifetime of Polycarpus twelve Christians from Piratelpa came to Smyrna. They were called eastern martyrs as upon the order of the emperor they were thrown before the beasts.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-10 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2029-12-11 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2028-12-12 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2027-12-14 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2026-12-08 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2025-12-02 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2024-12-10 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2023-12-12 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2022-12-13 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2021-12-14 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

2020-12-08 Commemoration of Sts. Captain St. Kornelius, St. Shmavon, Christ’s Relative, martyred in Jerusalem, and Bishop St. Policarpus of Smyrna and the holy martyrs of the East

Fast St. James of Nisibi

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-09

Today starts the fasting period dedicated to Pontiff St. James of Nisibis lasting from Monday to Friday. On Saturday a Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in all churches named in honor of St.

James of Nisibis on the occasion of the feast of the saint.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-09 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2028-12-11 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2026-12-07 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2024-12-09 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2022-12-12 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2020-12-07 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2021-12-13 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2023-12-11 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2025-12-08 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2027-12-13 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2029-12-10 Fast St. James of Nisibi


Conception of St. Mary by Anna

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-09

Ս. Աննայի՝ Սուրբ Աստվածածնով հղիությունը նկարագրված չէ Աստվածաշունչ մատյանում: Այն մեզ է փոխանցվել Եկեղեցու Սրբազան ավանդության շնորհիվ:
Սուրբ Կույսի ծնողները` Ս. Հովակիմն ու Ս. Աննան, երկար ժամանակ երեխա չէին ունենում, քանի որ վերջինս ամուլ էր: Մի օր, երբ Աննան իջնում է պարտեզ՝ աղոթելու, հանկարծ հայտնվում է Տիրոջ հրեշտակը և ավետում, որ ինքը զավակ է ունենալու, ում երանի են տալու բոլոր ազգերը: Աննան գոհություն է հայտնում Աստծուն, որ լսեց իր անդադրում աղոթքների ձայնն ու խղճաց իրեն: Նա խոստանում է իր զավակին Աստծուն նվիրել:
Նույն այս տեսիլքը երևում է նաև Ս. Հովակիմին` հայտնելով բարի լուրը: Սուրբ Կույսի հայրը նույնպես փառք է տալիս Բարձրյալին այդ մեծ շնորհին արժանացնելու համար և իր ընտիր արջառներից ու ոչխարներից մատաղ է անում` բաժանելով աղքատներին:
Բարեպաշտ ծնողների աղաչանքները լսելի են լինում և ծնվում է դուստր, ում անվանում են Մարիամ, այսինքն` լուսավորված: Նա էր այն ընտրյալ անոթը երկրիս վրա, ում Աստված իր առաքինությունների ու արժանիքների շնորհիվ պատվեց լինել Բանն Աստծու մայրը: Որպես մայր նա անհանգստացավ, տառապեց իր Որդու համար, սակայն երբեք չերկնչեց ու չընդդիմացավ Աստծուն` քաջ գիտակցելով Բարձրյալից իրեն վստահված առաքելության կարևորությունը: Նա առաքինի, հավատավոր մոր, ընտանեկան սրբության պահապանի մարմնացումն է, որին որպես օրինակ պիտի ունենա ամեն մի հայ մայր, ամեն մի հայ աղջիկ, որ պատրաստվում է մայր դառնալ:
Հայ եկեղեցին Ս. Աննայի՝ Սուրբ Աստվածածնով հղիության տոնը հաստատուն կերպով նշում է դեկտեմբերի 9-ին:


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2020-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2021-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2022-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2023-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2024-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2025-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2026-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2027-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2028-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2029-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

2030-12-09 Conception of St. Mary by Anna

Eve of the Fast of St. James

This year is celebrated in:: 2023-12-10

Ս. Հակոբ Մծբնա հայրապետի պահքի բարեկենդանը նշվում է սրբի տոնից 6 օր առաջ, քանի որ տոնին նախորդում է հնգօրյա պահոց շրջան՝ երկուշաբթիից ուրբաթ օրերին:


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-08 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2029-12-09 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2028-12-10 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2027-12-12 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2026-12-06 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2025-12-07 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2024-12-08 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2023-12-10 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2022-12-11 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2021-12-12 Eve of the Fast of St. James

2020-12-06 Eve of the Fast of St. James

Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-07

Ս. Նիկողայոս Սքանչելագործ Հայրապետը ծնվել է 280թ. Փոքր Ասիայի Լիկիա գավառի Բաթարա քաղաքում (ներկայիս Անթալիա քաղաքի մոտակայքում): Փոքր հասակից կորցնում է մեծահարուստ և բարեպաշտ ծնողներին և մեծանում իր քեռու՝ Նիկողայոս Երեց եպիսկոպոսի խնամքի ներքո: Ավետարանական պատգամը՝ «Վաճառիր քո ունեցվածքը և տուր աղքատներին» (հմմտ. Մատթ. 19:21), իր կյանքի նշանաբանն է դարձնում` խնամելով աղքատներին, հիվանդներին, բանտարկյալներին և որբերին: Ժողովրդի կամքով դառնում է Զմյուռնիայի եպիսկոպոսը: Հալածանքների ընթացքում աքսորվում է, սակայն չի դադարում ամենուր Ավետարանը քարոզել: Խաղաղության վերահաստատվելուն պես վերադառնում է իր աթոռը, մասնակցում 325թ. Նիկիայի Տիեզերաժողովին: Մահացել է 326 թվականին: Ընդհանրական Եկեղեցու ամենասիրված սրբերից է`առավելաբար հայտնի «Սանտա Կլաուս» անվամբ:
Հայ Առաքելական Եկեղեցին Ս. Նիկողայոս Զմյուռնիացի Սքանչելագործ հայրապետի հիշատակության տոնը նշում է երկու անգամ՝ Ս. Խաչի տասներորդ կիրակիին հաջորդող շաբաթ օրը և Հիսնակի երկրորդ կիրակիին հաջորդող շաբաթ օրը:


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2020-12-05 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2021-12-11 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2022-12-10 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2023-11-25 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2024-12-07 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2025-12-06 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2026-12-05 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2027-12-11 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2028-11-25 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2029-12-08 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

2030-12-07 Commemoration of Pontiff St. Nikoghayos

Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-05

Եգիպտացի անապատական հայրերը ներկայացուցիչներն էին հոգևոր կատարելության ձգտող այն շարժման, որը ծնունդ առավ 3-րդ դարի վերջերին և իր ոսկեդարն ապրեց 4-րդ և 5-րդ դարերում: Քրիստոնեության սկզբնական դարերի խառը կացության մեջ, երբ Եկեղեցու անդորրը հաճախ խռովվում էր զանազան հեթանոսական և հերձվածողական անցուդարձերով, որոշ հոգեզգոն քրիստոնյաներ այս կացությունից դուրս գալու միակ ելքը գտան հասարակությունից հեռանալու և առանձին ապրելու մեջ: Որպեսզի մշտապես ունենան Աստծո ներկայությունն իրենց կյանքում, նրանք նվիրվեցին աղոթքի, իսկ իրենց գործած կամա թե ակամա մեղքերի քավության համար ապաշխարություն ստանալու համար դիմեցին ճգնության: Անապատական կամ ճգնողական կյանքը սկսվեց Եգիպտոսից, որն ուներ բոլոր պայմանները քաղաքների աշխույժ և աղմկոտ կյանքից առանձնանալու համար: Անապատների օազիսներում մեկուսացած հայրերը մարմինը ճնշելու և ցանկությունները մեռցնելու գաղափարը վերցրել էին Նոր Կտակարանից. «Մարմինը Հոգու հակառակն է ցանկանում» (Գաղ. 5:17): Սակայն նպատակը մարմինը ճնշելով հոգին կատարելագործելն էր, միտքը լուսավորելը, որպեսզի Աստծո հետ մշտական հաղորդակցության մեջ գտնվեին: Հարատև աղոթքները, պահեցողությունն ու ինքնազրկումը ուղեկցվում էր Ս. Գրքի ընթերցանությամբ և խոսքի ժուժկալությամբ, որն էլ բերում էր հոգեկան և հոգևոր հանդարտության, երջանկության և ներդաշնակության: Հաճախ աննկարագրելի պայքար ունեցան ճգնավոր հայրերն իրենց ներաշխարհում, սակայն Աստծու օգնությամբ շարունակողը եղան անապատում Քրիստոսի սկսած պատերազմի (Մատթ. 3: 1-11)` իրենց աղոթքներով միշտ Աստծո առջև բարեխոս ու միջնորդ դառնալով մեզ համար:
Հայ Առաքելական եկեղեցին տոնում է եգիպտացի սուր հայրեր Պողոսի, Պողի, Մակարի, Եվագրի, Հովհան Գբնեցու, Հովհան Կարճահասակի, Նեղոսի, Արսենի, Սիսիանի, Դանիելի, Սրապիոնի, Մակարիոսի, Պիմենի և այլոց հիշատակության օրը Հիսնակի առաջին հինգշաբթի օրը:


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2020-12-03 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2021-12-07 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2022-12-08 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2023-12-07 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2024-12-05 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2025-12-04 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2026-12-03 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2027-12-07 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2028-12-07 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2029-12-06 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

2030-12-05 Commemoration of the Hermits (Egyptian Fathers)

Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-03

Սուրբ Մինասը, Երմոգինեսը և Գրաբոսը նահատակվել են Մաքսիմինոս կայսեր օրոք, Ալեքսանդրիայում:

Ս. Մինասը կայսեր կողմից ուղարկվում է Ալեքսանդրիա՝ խռովահույզ այդ քաղաքը հանդարտեցնելու: Քրիստոնյաների հանդեպ ցուցաբերած իր հանդուրժողականությունը պատճառ է դառնում, որ բացահայտվի Մինասի և իր դիվանադպիր Գրաբոսի քրիստոնյա լինելը: Նրանց դատելու համար կայսրը մեկ այլ ուսյալ աթենացի է ուղարկում՝ Երմոգինեսին: Նա փորձում է ճարտասանությամբ դարձի բերել Մինասին, սակայն պարտվում է: Զայրացած Երմոգինեսը կտրել է տալիս Մինասի լեզուն և աչքերը փորել տալիս: Հաջորդ օրը, սակայն, տեսնում է հրաշքով բժշկված Մինասին, ինչից ազդված՝ ինքն էլ է քրիստոնյա դառնում: Այդ մասին լսում է կայսրը, անձամբ գալիս է Ալեքսանդրիա և երեքին էլ գլխատել է տալիս:

Աղեքսիանոսը (5-րդ դար) Հռոմից էր, ազնվական ընտանիքից: Իր ամուսնության օրը հեռանում է տանից և Եդեսիա քաղաքում իրեն նվիրում է ճգնության: Երբ իր սրբության համբավը տարածվում է, կրկին փառքից փախչելով՝ գալիս է արևելք և մուրացկանի կերպարանքով ապրում է իր հայրական տան սանդուղքների տակ: Ցանկանալով անհայտ մնալ՝ իր մասին հետաքրքրվողներին ասում է, որ ինքը «Աստծու մարդն» է: Մահվանից հետո Ալեքսիանոսի մոտ գտնված մի գրությամբ իմացվում է նրա ով լինելը: Հետագայում Ալեքսիանոսի ծնողները նրա ճգնած վայրի վրա աղոթատեղի են կառուցում:

Հովհաննեսը ծնունդով Կ. Պոլսից էր, նշանավոր և հարուստ ծնողների զավակ: Գաղտնի հեռանում է տանից, վանական դառնում, սակայն 6 տարի անց վերադառնում է և բնակվում իր հայրական տան առջև գտնվող մի հյուղակում, որպեսզի, չհրաժարվելով իր արած աղքատության ուխտից, իր ծնողների կողքին լինի: Մահանում է 25 տարեկան հասակում, և իր ինքնությունը ծնողներին հայտնում է միայն մահվանից առաջ:

Հայ Առաքելական Եկեղեցին Ս. Մինասի, Երմոգինեսի, Գրաբոսի, Հովհաննես և Աղեքսիանոս կամավոր աղքատների հիշատակը տոնում է Հիսնակաց պահքի երրորդ կիրակիին հաջորդող երկուշաբթի օրը:

This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2008-12-08 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2009-12-07 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2010-12-13 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2011-12-12 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2012-12-10 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2013-12-03 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2014-12-08 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2015-12-07 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2016-12-12 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2017-12-11 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2018-12-10 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2019-12-03 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2020-12-07 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2021-12-13 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2022-12-12 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2023-12-11 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2024-12-03 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2025-12-08 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2026-12-07 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2027-12-13 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2028-12-11 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2029-12-10 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

2030-12-03 Commemoration of Sts. Minas, Yermogines, Grabus, voluntary poor Hovhannes and Alexius

Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-02

The name “Genarius” is the equivalent of the Latin name “Januarius” and the Italian name “Chenaro”. It is supposed that St. Genarios was born in the beginning of the third century. His parents were rich and well-known persons. He has been the Bishop of the city Benevent of Italy. Genarius was imprisoned during the period of reign of the emperor Dioclethianus and was martyred in 305. The saint’s blood is up to date kept in a special small bottle in the Church of Naples.

St. Merkerius was one of the brave soldiers of the Roman Army. Like his father he believed in true God. Once king Dekos called him and ordered to offer sacrifice in the temple on the occasion of the victory but Merkerius refused to obey the king’s order. The soldiers put his hands into chains and burnt him on the fire. However, the next day they found out that Merkerius was alive and healed and he told that God had saved him. The king ordered to burn his body by means of heated skewers and beheaded him. The saint was martyred in 250 AD.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-02 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2029-12-03 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2028-12-04 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2027-12-06 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2026-11-30 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2025-12-01 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2024-12-02 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2023-12-04 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2022-12-05 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2021-12-06 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

2020-11-30 Commemoration of Bishop St. Genarius, Soldier St. Merkerius

Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-02

Ս. Հակովկ Պարսիկը († 421) քրիստոնյա էր և զբաղեցնում էր բարձր պաշտոն Պարսից արքունիքում: Արշավներից մեկի ժամանակ երկյուղելով թագավորի դաժանությունից` զոհ է մատուցում կուռքերին: Կինը և մայրն ապաշխարության կոչով նրան մի նամակ են գրում: Գիտակցելով իր մեղքի ծանրությունը` իրեն հռչակում է քրիստոնյա և ենթարկվում դաժան մահապատժի:

Ս. Իրավափառը նահատակվել է Դեկոս կայսեր օրոք: Եղել է հովիվ, հալածանքների ժամանակ թաքցրել է մի քրիստոնյայի, որի համար ենթարկվել է տանջանքների և նահատակվել:


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2020-12-01 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2021-12-06 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2022-12-05 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2023-12-04 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2024-12-02 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2025-12-01 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2026-12-01 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2027-12-06 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2028-12-04 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2029-12-03 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

2030-12-02 Commemoration of St. Hakob (Jacob) the Orthodox

Contact us

5, Samghebro St., 0105 – Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995322724111
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