Tbilisi Nersisian Spiritual School’s 200th anniversary at "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia

On February 18, 2024, an exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Nersisian Spiritual School in Tbilisi was opened at the "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, at the initiative of the RA Embassy in Georgia and with the support of the Headquarters of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The author of the exhibition is a public figure, Levon Chidilyan.
The walls of the Center's Calouste Gulbenkian Hall were decorated with exhibits representing a part of the many archival materials that Levon Chidilyan, who studies the Nersisian Spiritual School and other Armenian traces in Tbilisi, collected from the archives, museums, and libraries of Georgia and Armenia. They were the historical drawings, floor plans of the Nersisian Spiritual School in Tbilisi, pontifical encyclicals of All-Armenian Catholicos, various documents, photos of students, graduates, and teachers, as well as detailed bulletins of the school's activities and material inputs and outputs.
The event was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia Davit Janazyan, Secretary of the RA Embassy Avetik Harutyunyan, as well as community figures, intellectuals, members of the Armenian public in Tbilisi.
After the welcoming speech of Eugenia Markosyan, head of the "Hayartun" Center, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia offered his blessing to those present. The latter highlighted the invaluable role of the Nersisian Spiritual School in the upbringing of Armenian generations and emphasized the necessity of preserving, developing, and passing on the national institutions currently operating in the Diaspora. To maintain the language and national values, to be faithful to our faith and church - this was the advice of the Diocesan Primate to the Armenians living in Georgia.
The day was impressive, the atmosphere was filled with national spirit. On the occasion of the exhibition opening, Deputy Ambassador Davit Janazyan conveyed the greetings of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Georgia Ashot Smbatyan, attaching importance to the fact that the exhibition is made accessible for Armenians in Tbilisi. Indeed, it was the cherished dream of Armenians from Tbilisi to learn through archival materials and photographs about the first public educational institution operating in the Transcaucasus, which has been the pride of the Armenian people for many years, the educator of the distinguished representatives of the nation, and their guide to various spheres of life.
The author of the exhibition, Levon Chidilyan, highly valued the marking of the 200th anniversary of the Nersisian Theological School in Tbilisi in the building of the former Nersisian Theological School, and the fact that the memorial plaques installed will inform in Georgian, Armenian and English languages about the foundation of the university building, which becomes a light comforter for the loss of the Diocesan-owned Armenian Theological School, which was confiscated during the Soviet years.
Stopping one by one in front of each exhibit, Levon Chidilyan spoke in detail about the establishment of the school, its year-by-year expansion, and becoming a true example of civilization, he spoke about those graduates who, having received a high-quality education in this educational center, left an indelible mark on the development of the nation and the national affairs.
The speaker also highlighted the care shown by the philanthropist Mantashyants to the progressive graduates of the spiritual school to find their rightful place in life and to develop national values.
Confiscated after the establishment of the Soviet regime, the famous Nersisian School, deprived of its status as a spiritual school and its mission of educating Armenian generations, is today famous as a Caucasian multi-disciplinary university, where about 10 thousand students of different nationalities receive higher education.