Pilgrimage of Diocesan young people to Shahumyan and Karmir villages

On May 5, 2024, with the blessing and support of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, a pilgrimage of the young people of the Diocese to the Armenian villages in Marneuli region was organized. The first stop of the pilgrimage, organized under the guidance of Rev. Father Hovsep Harutyunyan and Deacon Gevorg Avetisyan, was the Saint Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother of God) church in Mets Shulaveri village in Shahumyan region. Rev. Father Hovsep Harutyunyan offered Divine Liturgy, in which the locals participated with great anticipation because the church does not have a permanent priest.

Regardless of the rainy weather, the residents of Karmir village were also waiting for the pilgrims at Srbots Avetaranchats (Saint Evangelists) chapel. As the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ was celebrated in Georgia on May 5, the locals had prepared Easter dishes and were waiting for blessing.


The young people communicated with the members of the local Armenian youth center. The latter introduced the guests to their activities and the history of the development of the village and talked about plans for the future.

The warm reception continued around the outdoor dinner table on the banks of the Khram River. During the friendly conversation and games, it was already obvious that the next meeting is surely not far away. Young people, representing the Diocese, enriched by positive experiences discussed the direction of the next pilgrimage on the way back to Tbilisi and expressed their willingness to participate.

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