Memory of earthquake victims is unforgettable

Although 36 years have passed, Armenians around the world continue to honor the memory of the victims of the devastating earthquake in Spitak, Republic of Armenia, on December 7, 1988.

On December 7, 2024, a memorial service was held in the operating churches of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia in memory of the grieving families and innocent people who became victims of the devastating and terrifying moments of the natural disaster.

Under the presidency of His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Response of Souls Service was offered in Saint Etchmidzin church in Tbilisi.


At the conclusion of the ritual ceremony, the Diocesan Primate addressed those present. Referring to the consequences of the catastrophic disaster, His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan spoke about how, in mere seconds, people lost everything—their lives, loved ones, families, and children. They were thrust into tragic circumstances, left homeless, with life brought to a halt and the country's development disrupted. The reasons for these consequences were attributed to the unbelief that prevailed among people during the Soviet years, their departure from the Church, deceit, lack of love, and selfishness. Calling the earthquake a tribulation from God, the Diocesan Primate urged the Armenian people to live with Christian love and faith.

Although time heals wounds, the Armenian people continue to pray for peace for the souls of the innocent martyrs and light candles in their memory.

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