Documentary film "Lights" Screened at Hayartun Center

On May 8, 2024, with the blessing of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, the documentary film "Lights" was screened in the Diocesan "Hayartun" Center.
After the welcoming speech, deacon Gevorg Avetisyan informed the audience that the documentary film "Lights" is about teenagers who did volunteer work during the 44-day war and children who lost their homes as a result of the war. He introduced Shogher Petrosyan, the film's director and screenwriter, and Vazgen Martirosyan, stage operator and producer. They had arrived from Yerevan to attend the special screening.
In their speeches, guests discussed the purpose of the film emphasizing the unique approach of teenagers in confronting the horrors of war, their willingness to help those affected by the conflict, who had lost their homes and communities, as well as the educational significance of raising awareness within society about these issues.
The prologue of the film conveyed a message from those children to the Armenians of Tbilisi, which was also a kind of condemnation of all forms of war.
At the end of the film, the audience shared their impressions with the authors and got answers to the questions they were interested in.
At the conclusion of the event, deacon Gevorg conveyed the paternal blessing and good wishes of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, and expressed gratitude to the filmmakers for organizing the screening of the film in Tbilisi.